Monica's Gang Wiki

Monica's Gang (known as Turma da Mônica in Brazil and Mónica e Amigos in the European Portuguese dub) is a Brazilian animated series based on the comic book of the same name by Mauricio de Sousa.

The series is broadcast on Cartoon Network in Brazil and on Saturdays in TV Globo.


Monica's Gang cartoon has over 100 episodes. Each episode is part of each film.

Episodes from As Novas Aventuras da Turma da Mônica (1986)

No. Original title Translated title
1 Oh, Que Dia! Oh, What a Day!
2 Um Cachorro Bem Treinado A Well-Trained Dog
3 O Vampiro The Vampire
4 A Fonte da Juventude The Fountain of Youth
5 O Último Desejo The Last Wish
6 Chico Bento em: O Mostro da Lagoa Chuck Billy in: The Monster from the Lagoon
7 Cascão no País das Torneirnhas Smudge in the Land of Little Water Taps
8 O Grande Show The Great Show

Episodes from A Sereia do Rio (1986)

No. Original title Translated title
1 A Gruta do Diabo The Devil's Grotto
2 Jacaré de Estimação Pet Alligator
3 O Tocador de Sinos The Bell Player
4 A Sereia do Rio The Mermaid from the River

Episodes from O Bicho Papão (1987)

No. Original title Translated title
1 Quero Entrar! I Want to Get In!
2 Montanha Suja Dirty Mountain
3 O Bicho-papão The Boogeyman
4 O Ogro da Floresta The Ogre from the Forest

Episodes from A Estrelinha Magica (1988)

No. Original title Translated title
1 Super Heróis Super Heroes
2 Um Dia de Cão A Dog Day
3 O Detetive The Detective
4 A Estrelinha Mágica The Little Magic Star

Episodes from Quadro a Quadro (1996)

No. Original title Translated title
1 Algo Verde, Mole e Pegajoso Something green, soft and sticky
2 Ta Morto... Ou Não Tá? Dead... Or Not?
3 Branca de Fome e os Sete Anões Hungerwhite and the Seven Dwarfs
4 Game ao Vivo Game on Live

Episodes from O Mônico (1997)

No. Original title Translated title
1 O Mônico The Monico
2 Chico Bento no Shopping In the Shopping Mall
3 Como Atravessar a Sala How to Go Through the Room
4 Frank em: Ser Criança Frank in: Being a Child

Episodes from O plano sangrento (1998)

No. Original title Translated title
1 O Plano Sangrento The Reddish Plan
2 Na Roça é Diferente It's Different in the Farm
3 Astronauta Bubbly the Astronaut
4 Duelos em Quadrinhos * Duel in Comics

(*) - This episode is available in English Dub as "A Cartoon Duel".

Episodes from O estranho soro do Dr. X (1998)

No. Original title Translated title
1 Coisa de Louco Nutty Thing
2 Comida Fresca Fresh Food
3 A História do Galo Ataliba Rooster Ataliba's Tale
4 A turma no zoológico In the Zoo
5 O Estranho Soro do Doutor X Doctor X's Weird Serum

Episodes from A ilha misteriosa (1999)

No. Original title Translated title
1 A Ilha Misteriosa The Mysterious Island
2 Regras e excessões Rules and Exceptions
3 Chico Mico Chuckey Monkey
4 Mingau com Chuva Vanilla with Rain

Episodes from 2003

No. Original title Translated title
1 Era Uma Vez... Once Upon a Time...
2 O Guarda-Chuva Voador The Flying Umbrella
3 Um Dia no Circo A Day in the Circus
4 Um Doente, Sua Irmã e o Grande Campeonato de Cuspe a Distância One patient, His Sister and The Great Spittle Distance Championship
5 Bichinhos sem Pelúcia Pets without Plush
6 Perdidos no Meio do Nada Lost in the Middle of Nowhere
7 Um Natal Glacial A Glacial Christmas

Episodes from Cine Gibi (2004)

No. Original title Translated title
1 Em Busca do Nariz de Isabelle Quest for Isabelle's Nose
2 Concurso de Beleza Beauty Contest
3 Um Amor Dentuço A Toothy Love
4 O Caça-Sansão The Samson Hunter
5 Um Cenário para os meus Bonequinhos One Scenery for my Toys
6 Irmão Cascão Brother Smudge

Episodes from Cine Gibi 2 (2005)

No. Original title Translated title
1 Os Tênis da Mônica Monica's Sneakers
2 O baile Frank The Frank Dance
3 Poeirinha Mágica Little Magic Dust
4 Chapeuzinho Vermelho 2 Little Red Riding Hood 2
5 O Sumiço de Todas as Mães The Disappearance of All Mothers
6 Boas Maneiras Good Manners
7 Chico Bento em: A hora da onça beber água * The Time for Jaguar to Drink Water

(*) - This episode is available in English Dub as "The Thirsty Jaguar"

Episodes from Cine Gibi 3 - Planos Infalíveis (2008)

No. Original title Translated title
1 Plano Hipnótico Hypnotic Plan
2 O Sumiço da Jujuba The Disappearance of Jujube
3 Plano Levemente Infalível A Slightly Infallible Plan
4 O Álbum de Fotografias Photo Album
5 Diga o que eu digo e faça o que eu faço Say what I am saying and do what I am doing
6 Cor de rosa Pink
7 O dia em que Cebolinha desistiu dos planos infalíveis The Day Jimmy Five quitted the infallible plans

Episodes from 2009

  • These episodes were first released on Cartoon Network Brazil, and later, as part of "Cine Gibi 4 - Meninos e Meninas" and "Cine Gibi 5 - Luz, Camera, Ação!".
No. Original title Translated title Writer(s) Storyboard(s)
1 Os Cinco Fios de cabelos Mágicos The Five Magic Strands of Hairs
2 Os Brincos Novos que a Mamãe Comprou The New Earrings that Mom Bought
3 Venha à Minha Festinha * Come to my Party
4 Mônica, a Famosa Monica, the Famous one
5 Patins... Para mim? Roller Skates... For me?
6 Brincando de Boneca ** Playing Doll
7 O Corpo Fala The Body Talks Sandy Fries Gordon Bressack
8 A Nova Babá The New Babysitter
9 A Máquina do Tempo, de Novo? *** The Time Machine, Again?
10 A Minhoca Encantada The Enchanted Earthworm
11 ... E assim se Passaram Trinta Anos ... And so, Thirty Years have Passed
12 Abduzidos? Abducted?
13 Turma da Mônica contra o Capitão Feio, O musical Against Captain Fray, The Musical

(*) - This episode is available in English Dub As "Must Bring Doll".

(**) - This episode is available in English Dub As "Playing House".

(***) - This episode is available in English Dub As "Time Machine - Part II".

Episodes from 2010

No. Original title Translated title
1 Os Azuis The Blue Ones
2 Jogo de Vôlei Volleyball Match
3 Um Coelhinho de Verdade A Real Bunny
4 Folias no Clube Follies at the Club
5 A árvore de natal The Christmas Tree