Monica's Gang Wiki
Monica's Gang Wiki

Monica and Friends is another English Version of Monica's Gang (TV series) posted on the English and Japanese Turma da Monica channel, Monica Plus.

  • Monica is the leader and the owner of Lemon Tree Street.
  • Jimmy Five is one of the main characters and always tries to steal Samson from Monica and tie a knot in his ears, Monica always uses Samson to hit Jimmy Five and Smudge with him.

    A picture of Monica.

Unlike the original dub, Monica and Friends has many episodes that's uploaded in YouTube. The 2019-2020 episodes have random dubbed episodes. The 2020-2021 era has all the episodes completely dubbed.


2019-2020 (Centauro Group Era)[]

2020-2021 (BKS Era)[]


  • In the episode "Modern Games" (after the BKS era), Ulises Otero reprises Jimmy Five's role once again.
  • This is the first time that Jimmy Five has voiced by a male voice actor, then being voiced by a female again, nothing like that.
  • This is the first time that Jimmy Five has voiced by a male voice actor.
  • Kevin Rodriguez shares his Astro Boy impression with Franklin.
  • Isaac Murillo can be the voice of Bucky in the BKS era.