Mrs. Luisa, also known as Ms. Luísa, is a character in the Monica and Friends comic strip. Her daughter is Mónica Sousa and her full name is likely Luísa de Sousa.
Physical Appearance[]
Though she and Mónica are a mother and daughter pair, Luísa does not have the prominent buckteeth that Mónica has sticking out of her mouth. She also has smoother hair.
She tends to wear a blue shirt and skirt, resembling a genderswap of her husband.
When she becomes enraged at the final part of the episode The New Earrings that Mom Bought, Mrs. Souza becomes a black shadowy being. Her eyes and mouth are still visible, but her nose is absent. Her clothing also turns pure black when she enters this form. This form is absent in the strip version, Os Brincos Novos que a Mamãe Comprou.
Mrs. Souza and her daughter seem to care for each other's life, and they do, in fact. The only time she and her daughter become enemies is when the latter tears apart the bathroom so she can find the earrings Mrs. Souza bought in Os Brincos Novos que a Mamãe Comprou and its respective episode, The New Earrings that Mom Bought. Mrs. de Sousa overall is Lawful Neutral.
- Nominative: Dona Luísa de Souza
- Genitive: Dones Luíses de Souza
- Dative: Done Luíse...
- Accusative: Donam Luísam...
- Ablative: Dónad Luísad...
- Mrs. de Sousa seems to be of the Zodiac sign Libra the Balance Scale Set. This is shown in her Zodiac Transformation making her attire Greek and causing a scale apparatus to appear popping out from her back. She undergoes this transformation in O Aniversário Dos Signos when Samanta, a young Bruxinha, crashes the party.
- She and a young girl named Luisa share their name.